Zimbabwe plans to expand coal use to address drought-induced blackouts
Zimbabwe is planning to ramp up its use of coal and gas to meet its energy needs after the worst drought in decades dried out the water supply to the hydropower
Zimbabwe is planning to ramp up its use of coal and gas to meet its energy needs after the worst drought in decades dried out the water supply to the hydropower
We handpick and explain the most important stories at the intersection of climate, land, food and nature over the past fortnight.
This is an online version of Carbon Brief’s fortnightly Cropped
If the UK is to achieve net zero emissions by 2050, more than one-third of its sheep and cows will have to go, with their fields being replaced by huge new
The UK has belatedly published its plan for how it will “halt and reverse” biodiversity loss this decade, as nations gather in Rome for resumed COP16 talks.
As anticipated, the plan
Vital Atlantic Ocean currents are unlikely to completely collapse this century, according to a study, but scientists say a severe weakening remains probable and would still have disastrous impacts on billions
CLIMATEWIRE | Lawmakers and officials from Western states are warning that President Donald Trump’s firings and funding freezes will leave the region woefully unprepared for the coming wildfire season, just two
A century of fire suppression, combined with global warming and drought, has led to increasingly destructive wildfires in the Western United States. Forest managers use tools like prescribed burns, thinning, mastication,
The EU on Wednesday unveiled a push to “simplify” its environmental rules to give businesses breathing room faced with competition from the United States and China—while still vowing to decarbonize Europe’s
Today, the NextGen Consortium, led
by Closed Loop Partners’ Center for the Circular
Economy — with partners
including Starbucks, The Coca-Cola Company, PepsiCo, Yum! Brands and other
A few years ago, while visiting a tiny village, I toured a grand old community hall scheduled to be demolished after a historic flood. Across the street, a phantom row of