Generative AI Could Generate Millions More Tons of E-Waste by 2030
Generative AI could saddle the planet with heaps more hazardous waste
Generative AI could saddle the planet with heaps more hazardous waste
Scientists are reimagining the food system, turning to fungal fermentation as a sustainable method for transforming food byproducts into tasty treats.
Fashion is a huge part of the world’s waste problem, but it doesn’t have to be. Coachtopia founder Joon Silverstein shows how her company creates new designs from the waste products
A self-building sponge that efficiently collects gold could eliminate some harsh methods used to process e-waste
The Institute for Contemporary Art in San Francisco has curated a show of ‘alchemized’ toothpaste caps, zip ties, broken computer keys and perfume spray tubesAs a young artist, Miguel Arzabe visited
Fluoropolymers have become an integral part of modern society, both in industrial and consumer applications. When these high-performance materials reach the end of their useful life, they can end up in
What if you could take something as tiny as a grain of sand — and as common as a glass bottle — and use it to tackle the climate crisis? Waste
Burning crop waste causes devastating pollution in South Asia. When local administrators have appropriate incentives to control burning, incidents go down — a finding
People living near industrial facilities often have few details about the chemicals inside, which poses major risks when floods occur
California’s lawsuit against Exxon is about ending the lie that most plastic is recyclable