Unraveling Nature’s Invisible Gifts: How Wildlife Sustains Our World
Safeguarding biodiversity is vital for human well-being. A new WWF study highlights the crucial roles wildlife play in providing essential services and sustaining life.
Safeguarding biodiversity is vital for human well-being. A new WWF study highlights the crucial roles wildlife play in providing essential services and sustaining life.
Discover how microplastic pollution is infiltrating marine ecosystems and disrupting the ocean food web, highlighting urgent conservation needs and solutions.
Kentucky’s bourbon industry launches a $2.8 million initiative promoting sustainable farming, empowering local corn growers with regenerative practices by 2025.
A similar campaign of rumors and lies was seen after the North Carolina hurricane, with DEI a primary targetAs Los Angeles firefighters battle ongoing blazes, prominent rightwing figures are spreading bigoted
Scientists say the frozen remnants of an ancient forest discovered 600 feet above the modern tree line on the Beartooth Plateau may portend possible changes for the alpine ecosystem if the
Computer models predict that hotter, drier conditions in North America will limit the growth of a fungus that normally curbs the spread of the spongy moth, an invasive species that has
A team of researchers has mapped predicted bioavailable strontium isotope ratios across all of Sub-Saharan Africa. Archaeologists, conservation scientists, and forensics experts will now be able to match values from the
A formula can be used to predict what happens when a new species is introduced into an ecosystem — whether it will establish itself in the community or fail to gain
Nature, Published online: 07 January 2025; doi:10.1038/d41586-025-00017-2 Biodiversity credits are more problematic than carbon credits
Patagonia’s fjords are home to spectacular biodiversity, with many endemic and endangered aquatic species. They are also an environment suitable for thriving fisheries that support food security and local economies, being